Saturday, March 23, 2013

Conversation with Carrie


Vibeke: I am so happy that you said yes to do this conversation post together with me Carrie! First do you think you can tell us a little bit about yourself?
Carrie: I grew up in New England, went to college in NYC, then moved around a bit before landing in Maine where I now live with my husband, daughter, and three cats. I work as Art Director for Quince & Co. during the week and spend time with my family on the weekends (and occasionally, I get to spend time in my studio!).

Vibeke: Five words that you would choose to describe yourself?
Carrie: Shy, day dreamer, caring, and motivated yet lazy.

Vibeke: Can you tell us about Madder?
Carrie: Madder has been a few different things depending on the time in my life. It started out as a possible shop with my own clothing line using hand-printed fabric (the day dreamer in me). The brick and mortar shop never came to life, but Madder continued to evolve in my mind—I just couldn't give up the idea that we were meant to be together. Now, Madder is a little online shop where I sell my knitting patterns. Even though it has morphed, Madder has always been about a way of life that includes making clothes, celebrating the hand-made, and being inspired by the natural beauty that surrounds me.

Vibeke: I have SO many of your designs on my-want-to knit list!! Are there one of your designs that you are extra proud of?
Carrie: Oh, thank you! I'm really proud of my Camilla sweaters. They are fairly easy and quick to knit. The pretty fan stitch down the center front is hugged by garter stitch on each side. I LOVE garter stitch.
Vibeke: I LOVE your Camilla sweaters!!! I find them very pretty, (and as you already mentioned) fairly easy and quick to other words the perfect design...*smiling*..

Vibeke: How is the process like when you create a new knitting design?
Carrie: I spend hours looking at my stitch books--Barbara Walker's books and a few Japanese books. I ponder them. I make sketches of silhouettes I'm interested. I spend a lot of time swatching.
Sometimes the design comes together quickly. And other times it's slower to take shape and this is when I get a little obsessed. It's a puzzle I need to figure out. Like right now, I have a swatch on my desk. It's so beautiful but what does it want to be?

Vibeke: I have noticed that you sometimes make moodboards. is that something you often do when you work with a project?
Carrie: The mood boards I make are not usually specific to any particular project. I use them to help me define my style or to stay generally inspired. I love putting colors and textures together. It's very pleasing--both to assemble and to look at (until I take it down and start all over again).


Vibeke: Who taught you to knit and do you remember how old you were at that time?
Carrie: My mother gave me knitting lessons throughout my childhood. I can't remember the first time, but I was probably in middle school. It wasn't until after college that I kept knitting by my bedside. I worked on a stockinette stitch scarf for about a year--I'd pick it up here and there. I learned how that stitch rolls if you don't have edge stitches. Oh, the things you learn!

Vibeke: Your favourite piece that you have knitted for yourself?
Carrie: My Camilla and Annabel sweaters. Simple to knit and easy to wear.

Vibeke: What do you have on your knitting needles these days and i am also curious to know if you have anything planned next?
Carrie: Right now I'm making a cardigan, cowl, and hat for my daughter, Imogen. And, I have lots of things planned! But, I'm trying to be more realistic about what I can get down in my minimal free time—for Madder, at least. I have some fun designs planned for Quince. I'm hoping to have more Q time to design again. I'm excited about this year!

Vibeke: I just LOVE seeing other poples creative spaces/studios, can we get to see yours?
I would also like to know what kind of athmosphere you like to have around you in your studio.
Carrie: My studio is quiet. It's in my backyard, beside the garden. This is the place where I like to listen to music, look at my books, knit swatches, and relax.

Vibeke: What inspires you?
Carrie: Light, color, texture. Travel, creative people, music, love. Children.

Vibeke: You are a designer, knitter and photographer. what other things do you enjoy doing?
Carrie: I love being outside. I love being in my garden (I have a lot to learn in this department, though!). I love watching the birds in my yard. I love to cook and eat. I love to be home in the evening with a glass of wine or a cup of tea.

Vibeke: If you were going to explore a new craft what would that be?
Carrie: I'm really interested in sewing and embroidery. And, I'd love to learn how to design fabric. Also, I'm desperate to learn letterpress printing. Lots to do. Lots to learn!

Vibeke: Are there any artists that inspires you in a special way through their work?
Carrie: My friend Karen Gelardi is very inspiring to me. She's quite prolific. I'm always amazed to see her work in a variety of mediums. But no matter what the medium—textiles, painting, clothing—they always feel like "Karen".

Vibeke: What is your favourite season and why?
Carrie: My favorite season is the Fall. The colors are so appealing and alluring. I'm drawn to the idea of a harvest--collecting your hard summer's work before the long winter season of rest.

Vibeke: What means beauty to you and where do you find it?
Carrie: Beauty. I think about it everyday. It's a kind of fuel that keeps me going. And the wonderful thing is—it is everywhere: My daughter's eyelashes, my husband's hands, the feathers of birds, fallen pinecones on the ground, a garden of flowers or vegetables, morning light, evening light...

Vibeke: How do you relax?
Carrie: Being in my studio is relaxing. I also like going to the Audubon to walk around—it's so lovely there.

Vibeke: It has been a true pleasure to talk with you Carrie, so lovely and inspiring!
And just a final question, what are you most grateful for in your life right now?
Carrie: I'm most grateful for my family and friends and the time I get to share with them.

Madder homepage


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